OPEN CALL – craft makers based in or near Dals Långed and Fengersfors


Do you want to participate in a new exciting European research project that explores the cultural entrepreneur’s opportunities for sustainable business development? We are now looking for 5-6 crafts makers based in Dals Långed, Fengersfors, or the surrounding area, who want to be involved in reviving and developing traditional craftsmanship, with the help of new technology and innovative business models. Your involvement in the project can be seen as a form of skills development, as you as a crafts maker will participate in a four-year journey together with us, forming a new European network, where new knowledge is produced and where you are an active co-creator!

What will you get?
⋅ work with sustainable business development in collaboration with other crafts makers based in five locations in Europe,
⋅ access to and building networks with other local craft ecosystems in Europe (Bornholm, Venice, and Bassano del Grappa, and the Faroe Islands),
⋅ participation in co-creative workshops on-site in Dalsland, (Three 2-day workshops each year),
⋅ travel and accommodation at an international conference/workshop every year (3 days) where you get the opportunity to network and co-create with the other craft ecosystems,
⋅ opportunity to exhibit at exhibitions and international fairs, such as the Bornholm Biennale and Stockholm Furniture Fair,
⋅ opportunity to take part in continuous, reflexive online seminars, where we discuss the ongoing work supported by relevant theory.

What is required?
We are looking for active cultural entrepreneurs with handicrafts as a base, who can dedicate approx. 60-80 hours per year to the project. We strive for a diversified group, living in Dals Långed/Fengersfors and the surrounding area, where the participants for example represent different materials and expressions. The applicant is interested in collaboration and is open to a cross-pollination of ideas, as well as being curious about sustainable business development and new technology. Deadline for registration: 26 March. Decisions will be announced on April 1.

Send us an application that includes:
⋅ A short CV and a 5-page visual portfolio
⋅ A personal letter or a 1-2 minute video, describing who you are and motivating your interest in participating and exploring new opportunities in your local craft ecosystem.

Send application or questions to


Read more about the project here.

On 16 March from 17:00-18:30, an open meeting will be arranged in Stenebyskolans assembly hall, where you will have the opportunity to meet and ask questions to some of the researchers and co-organizers involved. Pizza and drinks are served!
ATTENTION! The encounter is physical. If desired, a separate digital meeting can be arranged via zoom.

Good to know: The primary language used will be English.

Welcome with your application! Greetings from:
Elena, Helena, Ulises, Karl, and Samantha, researchers at HDK-Valand,
with some help from Mötesplats Steneby