Welcome to Careers Conference – for students, alumni, and creative practitioners. The conference will offer you inspiration for and examples of different career paths you can pursue after your education.
At the conference you can listen to presentations from alumni students from Steneby and other craft and artistic educations. Their career paths might have taken them to unexpected places. The themes of the presentations are sustainability, project and event management, and research.
You can also visit the fair where you find local and national businesses, projects, initiatives and organisations. Here you can talk and ask questions that would be useful for you future endeavours.
And why not join in for some practical problem solving! We offer twox2h Hackathon sessions where you get to try your knowledge and creativity together with others.
At the Careers Conference you can listen, ask, and try – what might be your upcoming career!
Where at? Långedsverken, Dals Långed
Free entrance!
Management for Careers Conference; Otto Samuelsson at otto.samuelsson@hdk.gu.se
Explore, connect and shape your future in Dalsland
Explore the opportunities Dalsland offers for work, life and residence.
In the FAIR @ HANGAR you will meet local and national businesses, projects, initiatives and organisations. Here you can see, talk, question and network and seize the opportunity to shape your future endeavors!
Come and get inspired and unveil the possibilities for work, entrepreneurship, education, and living in Dalsland.
Can Dalsland your place for creativity, innovation, and a fulfilling life?
See you at the FAIR @ HANGAR!
10-12 & 14-16
Hack the beaten track! Derailing with creative minds
Get the opportunity to use your creative skills to solve real problems and learn about how you as an artist/designer/crafts person can use your skills in multifaceted ways.
For this Hackathon we have collected challenges and problems from organisations/companies in Dalsland. Problems that we need to go off the beaten track to solve.
It is time for you to use your creative skill to help us derail their problems and turn them into solutions for a more flourishing future. In return you get to participate in a fun and inspiring workshop where you will find new ways to use your skills.
09.00-10.00 KeyNote Helena Hansson
10.30-12.00 Session – Sustainability: Monique Wernhamn, Ola Andersson, Helene Mathieu & Lova Öberg
13.00 – 14.00 Session Cultural project management: Karin Linderoth och Helena Pernow
15.00 -16.00 Session research: Franz James och Rosa Tolnov Clausen
Moderator – Tom Cubbin
Keynote: Helena Hansson
The Juggling Crafter – Helena Hansson is a researcher and lecturer at HDK-Valand with particularly interested in collaborative and community-building processes, focusing on practice-based methodologies for craft and frugal design. In her current research within the EU-funded project Hephaestus, Helena has interviewed 35 actors in the Dalsland craft ecosystem. Initial findings show that craftsmaking is not ONE job but rather a set of combined jobs, where the crafter is trying to combine different jobs to make a living. Yet the materiality of the place in which craftmaking takes place plays an important role in keeping craft makers close to the identity of craft.
Session Sustainability
Monique Wernhamn, has been professionally active for the past 15 years, In 2023, Monique released a book The Sustainable Woman, that explores personal sustainability, work and human value.In her talk she will introduce The Sustainable Woman and give some creative recipe’s on how to become a sustainable artist.
Ola Andersson, Nothing to sphere but the sphere itself. A presentation about daring to create your own path within wood working and design, with the realization that nothing has ever been square because nothing has ever been straight, nor has anything been flat, nor spherical, cylindrical or cubical.
Lova Öberg and Helén Mahieu are two former students who have chosen to remain in Dalsland and together they run SNICKQUEERI. They will talk about how they work with sustainability in their company both from an ecological, economic and social perspective.
Session Cultural project management
Karin Linderoth is a educated designer and has worked as a graphic designer in various contexts as well as an artistic director and project manager at the art center Ställbergs gruva. Karin is now a teacher at the Design program at HDK-Valand, in addition to working with Ställbergs gruva and the publishing house NON.
Helena Pernow is a textile artist and project manager in the field of contemporary craft and art. Collaboration is a central part of both her artistic practice and her role as an organizer. Parallel to her textile work, she works as a project manager at the Swedish Craft Center, an organization for professional craft artists in Sweden.
Session research
Franz James holds a position as assistant professor in furniture design at Campus Steneby. He is a furniture maker and designer by trade and has worked at both large and small companies and is today, apart from teaching and research. Franz is partner in Healsafe Interior. The company designs self-harm resistant products and interiors for secure care environments, e.g. forensic psychiatric hospitals and prisons.
Rosa Tolnov Clausen Was educated as a textile designer since 2013, focusing on hand-weaving. After graduation, she was employed for two years to develop my graduation project further. She have done several commissioned projects and self-initiated grant-financed projects in the past ten years. Since 2018, she have been employed as a doctoral student in the craft department at HDK-Valand.
We who organise this event are HDK-Valand Campus Steneby, Stenebyskolan, Mötesplats Steneby, Bengtsfors kommun and Konsulenterna Konst & slöjd, Kulturförvaltningen i Västra Götalandsregionen.